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Add Perfect Tempo and Swing

The Lag Shot has taken the golf community by storm! A big part of my golf success is due to tempo and timing. It's the ONE thing in my golf swing I've relied on year after year to stay sharp and consistent. This is the training device that will keep adding tempo and clubhead speed without even trying!  Click here for more and 15% off...

Cash in on the Net Return!

Automatic Ball Return. Multi-Sport Use - Golf, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Lacrosse, Football and Hockey. Use Indoors or Outside - Backyard, Basement, Patio, Garage, Practice Field, Home and Away Games5 Min. Pushbutton Assembly - Using Our Quick Color Connect. It's what I use Click here for more....

Golf Essential!

Its been told time and time again.  That the short game will save the most amount of strokes in golf. You'll gain the most confidence due to the fact you'll be able to handle the most important shot in golf.... the next one! Click here for more....

John D said it the best... If you want to get great at the game chip and put! I'll list the items that I believe will help you get lower golf scores.

Save your carpet!

Great for Chipping, Pitching and good for low cost simulators at home! I've had this mat 2017 and works awesome! If you want to practice around the house get this is a life savor! Click here for more....

Grooveit Golf- Cleaning Brush

Patented pump-action sprays water or your choice of cleaning solution onto the clubface prior to scrubbing. The option to use a liquid to help clean what you are scrubbing is a game-changer. Extremely easy to refill on the go, around the course or driving range. Detachable magnet allows ultimate mobility while using the brush  Click here for more info and price!

Team Chippopotamus golf!

Chippopotamus golf apparel is taking the golf world by storm! Soft, lightweight, breathable fabric and most important flexible and max comfort for golf! Don't be left out get yours today!  I highly recommend and support them 100 Percent! Great style and comfort!  Click here for more....

John D said it the best... If you want to get great at the game chip and put! I'll list the items that I believe will help you get lower golf scores.

Putt at home or office!

How many times have you heard the famous golf saying? Drive for show... Putt for dough. Dough meaning cash money! I've personally have had this matt for 2017 and if you follow me you see how much I use this mat. It's key to my putting success! Click here for more....

Pro V1 golf balls!

People ask me time and time again... What are the best golf balls. I tell them to just try different ones till you find out which work best for you. The problem is not all golf balls work great in all conditions.  It can be dry and it could be soaking wet. But tests and results keep pointing to this being the best ball money can buy. Click here for more....

Be Perfect at putting...

I'm proud to introduce the ROLL-A-PUTT™ PUTTING MAT.  The same awesome people that brought you the Perfect Putting mat! This new mat is ment to be protable but still has the same quality of the thick smooth putting surface and slick ball return if you make your putt... and even if you miss it!  Click here for more info and price!

Flight Scope Mevo

This is the lesser of the two for Flight Scope portable Monitors. But... don't let it fool ya! It's powerful and will work with your cell phone. This will not give you simulator play like the Flight Scope Mevo Plus but it will give you some great accurate distances on your shots at the range or at home! Click here for more....

John D said it the best... If you want to get great at the game chip and put! I'll list the items that I believe will help you get lower golf scores.

Ultimate At home Simulator

Looking for distances at the golf driving range? You also want it portable? Do you want to play simulated golf courses at home?  Well... Pony up and get the Flight Scope Mevo PLUS! Yes the plus adds a camera to it to give you added features! Click here for more....

Family fun game for all...

The game is called "chip and stick" rules are simple and it's super fun. Roll it out and roll it up for family fun or frat guy party... that's how many can enjoy the golf fun and steady competition. Pressure is on... can you chip and stick it? Click here for more....

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